Micro / Craft Beer Easel with Periodic Updates

I don't think I need to copyright this as no one but me will probably like it....LOL...

Micro breweries and craft beer is BIG  in Oregon especially here in Bend and Portland....big business.  I have never liked beer, have tried some of the craft beers and they all just taste the same "to me" and I still don't like beer......but ANYWAY.....  I am working on this picture easel to which I have securely glued local beer caps.....Right now each bottle cap is clamped in place....and I am pretty sure what I am going to do for the picture portion.... so I am excited to find the "piece" I need to finish this up......  Making it for a
beer drinker and now I need to find someones to save me the cardboard beer cartons....as my husband isn't a beer drinker either....  This is one of those times I wish we were....as I NEED beer related throw aways....LOL.....

UPDATE:  August 24, 2013

Thanks to a fellow Etsy vendor I found the front portion of the easel.  She saved me time, I don't have to go store to store searching... it will simply arrive in my mail box...and I will have helped a fellow artist..or....... a "fellow" who helps an artist and makes some etra money...  Supporting Etsy is a GOOD thing.

UPDATE:  September 2, 2013

My ordered item is here....and today I got some basecoating done,,,, and now I have to decide just exactly what I want to do ... or think I want to do....I never seem to do what I think I am going to do so it is always a surprise....

Maybe tomorrow I will get downstairs again and can finish it up.

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Freezing fog on a pine tree bough.