Whenever I run across a good vendor online be it a website, Etsy,
or Ebay I have to provide them with just a little HURRAY here on
my blog. This time it is an Ebay vendor going by Golden State
Art. I have been using them since I began the Altered Inks. They
have different sizes of matting, colors, even backings and
celephone baggies. Their shipping is FAST and best of all
(FREE) and all of my orders have been perfect….I don't have one
complaint….. and I don't have any type of financial affiliation with
them…..it is just so great to get top of the line quality items,
quickly…. so check their little shop out …. you won't be
disappointed. More and more I seem to use my online vendors. I
save gas and more importantly TIME…. and can browse sitting in
in my comfy chair….