VACATION Country Schoolhouse Village Shops

I am on a months vacation in Pennsylvania visting family and friends.

The humidity is HORRIBLE ....  The scenery is BEAUTIFUL and the Auctions are STUPENDOUS.
My sister and I are on our way to an auction tomorrow morning.

Visited the Country Schoolhouse Village Shops where my handmade jewelry is, and my sister also sells.  I wanted to get a feel for what else I can do that will fit into the scheme of things.    Talk about an impressive consignment/antique delight.  What Tammy is doing is wayyyyy above any of the stores I have seen along this line.  Tammy went to buy a school desk and ended up picking up the entire school for back taxes and she was "on her way"....  She has not been open a year yet.  There are 7 shops presently inside with MUCH room for growth and there are approximately 32 vendors.  In the works is a large basement healthly food  and there is a Baptist Church in the front area closest to the road.  The building runs vertically on the land.  A long porch runs across the entire shop area, and she is holds many special events throughout the year on the stage and the gym area.  (Right now several primitive
bean bag stands are up for the kids, or adults.   I have never been this impressed with a consignment store such as this one which is WAYYYYY up there in gorgeous, spotlessly clean, and just perfection.   No one was leaving bagless; including me and there was a steady stream of customers although rural.

I have attached a couple of photos for just a brief look inside.  Welcome and Enjoy

The lamp which is shown in picture #1 was created by my sister who is presently doing a burlap line of items.  Lampshade, pillows, framed words, and placemats.

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Freezing fog on a pine tree bough.