My granddaughter graduated from high school this year, and there seemed to be a lot of jubilance as hats were thrown skyward. It brought back memories of
my graduation as well as my daughters' and that empty cold feeling that makes your legs wobble and a mixture of feelings flow through your body as tears "just flow" ....a sleepless night most generally follows. I think it is the first loss of a child a mother feels as she realizes she has a "grown" child and she is never prepared for it.....the next one is the day your child marries. They are anticipated days of joy for the child and the parents yet once again comes those unexpected erruptions of feelings.
I wish only that my granddaughters dreams will come true and that she achieves success and happiness in whatever she chooses as her lifes' work. So congratulation Meghan, Neema and Poppa love and are proud of you. Contgratulations also to Michelle and Chris for their expert guidance, love and parental upbringing in a job "well done".